/did: invalid parameters (line 830, ialias1.mrc) in DCC

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/did: invalid parameters (line 830, ialias1.mrc) in DCC

Postby patcat88 » Sat Nov 29, 2003 12:25 pm

I get a

* /did: invalid parameters (line 830, ialias1.mrc)

In the MIRC server window whenever someone tries to send me a file. It worked fine before I installed Invision. I also read somewhere on here that it could be a router problem. Well I have a router (linksys), but the IRC computer is the DMZ host (gets all incoming traffic, unless manual port forwarding is initialized). Also a DCC window pops up for the transfer, and says accepting send, then the window disapears and in the server box it says

[3:21pm] DCC Get of ****** from ******* incomplete (unable to connect)

Also this apears 20-30 times in the server box.

* /did: invalid parameters (line 830, ialias1.mrc)

Also the DCC server tries to resend but it fails.

Only reason I got Invision was because of the Fserv Explorer. It saves hours of time for me :D . I don't need any of the other stuff in Invision. And some of it is annoying (I am a long time MIRC user but first time with scripts, most annoying thing was the theme but I turned it off, still have to figure out how to turn off other stuff).
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Postby patcat88 » Sat Dec 06, 2003 6:34 pm

Is this software maintained at all?
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Postby L|B » Sat Dec 06, 2003 7:50 pm

Try checking your settings on the router again your PC ip 192.168.1.?? may have changed and u will need to update that in your router settings.
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* /did: invalid parameters (line 830, ialias1.mrc)

Postby Gorbash » Thu Dec 25, 2003 4:04 pm

I have a simillar prob but:

1. I am connected to 2 diffrent servers and it only shows up in one.
2. I don't use a router.
3. File do get through.
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Postby L|B » Thu Dec 25, 2003 5:51 pm

In that case if its just one server it may be a local host problem try this http://www.ircmadeasy.com/Misc.LocalHost.htm
Setup And Trouble Shooting http://www.ircmadeasy.com
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* /did: invalid parameters (line 830, ialias1.mrc)

Postby Lonewolf732003 » Fri Mar 12, 2004 3:22 pm

i get this..but the only time i get this if my fileserver has no sends going..and there is none in my friends list getting any files..if my fileserver is sending then i dont get the error..im am not in a router..so i know thats is nt the problem..and i have only one connection going..
please help as this gets a pain when its there..but ok when i am sending files....plus love invision..great program..
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