Error > 421: Unknown Command: HEAROWNSFX

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Error > 421: Unknown Command: HEAROWNSFX

Postby Kamau » Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:45 pm

I keep getting this error and a related one whenever I try to enter text in the chat window. The other is * /dialog: 'Soundfx" no such table (line 238, ialias1.mrc). I also cannot go into My Sound Manager to make any changes. I installed another copy of invision on my d: drive and copied over the ialias1.mrc and soundfx folder, but it didn't help. Please help. TIA

My line 238:

dopen { if ($2 != $null) { if ($dialog($1) == $null) { openingD | dialog -md $1 $2 } | else { dialog -v $1 $2 } | .gmove $calc($dialog($2).x + $dialog($2).w - 40) $dialog($2).y } }
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Bad install

Postby Riamus » Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:33 am

Sounds like a bad install. Did the install on the other drive work? When you have an error, it usually doesn't mean you can replace just the file that has the error. Usually it's some other problem when you see these types of errors.
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