When requesting help please be as provide as much information about your problem as you can. What build of Invision are you using? Have you enabled your File Server Explorer (much easier to rummage other's fserv's & queue this way) .. are you trying to GET from an fserv? an xdcc?
If you're using a dcc chat window to browse an FServ, and already know how to rummage using DOS commands (dir, list, etc).. and it is SPECIFICALLY the "GET" command you're having trouble with the format is as follows:
get <filename>.<filetype>
get i2b3515Full.rar
if in a channel window and xdcc PACKS are offered, wait for the instructions on how to get, it will be shown either before or after all the packs are listed (depending on which irc script the OTHER user is using):
[22:49] <+|xXx|-DanaBot-005> ** To request a file type: "/msg |xxXx|-DanaBot-005 xdcc send #x" **
so you do:
/msg |xXx|-DanaBot-005 xdcc send #x (replace the "x" with the pack number that you're after)
Note that you DO NOT add the filesize or description to the send/get commands.
Hope this helps you out, if not plz provide more details so we may help you further.
You might wanna check out L|B's site for IRC help too