Way to bypass firewall for fserve

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Way to bypass firewall for fserve

Postby matorikku » Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:31 pm

I am trying to set up an fserve i have the latest version of invision and mirc, but am behind a firewall without administrative rights to modify what the firewall lets through, so i was wondering if there was a way around this (i read a string about reverse DCC), but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanx in advance.
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Postby L|B » Sat Jan 10, 2004 7:00 pm

You need to find what open ports you have and use the reverse DCC to set it up kinda hard to do but thats what u need to do
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Postby matorikku » Sun Jan 11, 2004 11:14 am

How do i do that--is there some program that will search for open ports--and how do you set up the reverse DCC.
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Postby cnils » Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:47 pm

The purpose of reverse DCC is to be able to serv if you don't have any open ports.
That is in-bound ports. Usually most firewalls allows out-bound connections on any port.
So you can choose any port you like, 6060 is commonly used, and specify it at the "Global Reverse DCC init" setting.
You have to tell your users to have that port open and, if needed, forwarded to the correct computer in a firewall/router.
The user also has to remove any address cloaking user mode, most likely the +x umode.
It's also necessary to tell mIRC to listen on that particular port. That can be done in
mIRC options, DCC, Server (enable and set the port). It can also be done by typing /dccserver +sc on [port].
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