private message on chat servers

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private message on chat servers

Postby kaytee » Sat Jan 10, 2004 2:08 am

Would like to know how or is there an add-on to close your private message to everyone except those on your user list???? and everyone else would get a message telling them "you dont except message from un known people. please wait I will reply if I choose to otherwise please talk to me in the main room"
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Location: Perth Australia

Postby Dana » Sat Jan 10, 2004 7:22 am

There is no pre-written addon script (that I know of) that can close unwelcome msg's after you've read them. All I can think of, to help you out here, is to use "Block /MSG's from those not a friend or higher" (in which case you need to keep your User List up-to-date to allow friends, etc to msg you) .. check out the other options in Invision -- Main Settings ... Filtering tab ... however this will BLOCK (stop) those ppl from msg'g you, and you therefore wont get the option to reply or not as you dont even know they tried to msg you. I personally use the option "Block /MSG's from those not in a mutual channel" (along with a few other options on the same tab, to try to protect myself from those who choose to send nasty little virii, etc).

It might help you out.

*Dana is also a Perth girl :D

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