Dcc manager Status Tab does not display filenames for Gets

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Dcc manager Status Tab does not display filenames for Gets

Postby Recoilman » Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:30 am

Dcc manager Status Tab does not display filenames for Gets. I can see the filenames for Sends but not for gets. Also there's no active help for the status tab. I didn't know what double click does or anything.

The box under Status that says the number of sends and gets is operating on per network basis but it seems that it should be global, since everything else in this dialog is. I mean you can see the network on which your files send/get. The "bandwidth in use" is global too.

The box "server bandwidth" is always zero even when i have people browsing fserve and what is mp3:off doing in the "clone guard feature"???
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