When I start Invision I get all these script errors. I am almost sure this is a bug of some kind.
> Loaded Globals
> You are running 2.0 Build 3515 with Advanced File Serving features created by cRYOa designed originally for mIRC v6.01 and currently running under mIRC v6.12.
> You have now started Invision 5 times since installed.
—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— DCC Sends have been optimized for best performance
> Temp DCC permissions list has been cleared
> Checking Local Ports ....
> Script Corruption Check —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—
> All Files Checked ok!
> ScriptGuard Report «23 script pages loaded»
> ---WARNING--- Script itext.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script ichanctl.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script igostop.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script imisc.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script ictcp.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script iraws.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script isoundfx.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script imaindlg.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script ifsmgr.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script idccnmp3.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script imiscdlg.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script imiscmgr.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script ipcustom.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script iftpxdcc.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script ihelp.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script iserv.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script iunique.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script ialias1.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script ialias2.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script ialias3.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script ialias4.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script ialias5.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> ---WARNING--- Script imprtwiz.mrc is loaded and not a native Invision script page ---WARNING---
> Currently the following ports are in use: 110, 113, 123, 135, 137, 138, 139, 1025, 5000
I also lose all of my main setting. The invision toolbar background is replaced by the old mIRC toolbar, as well as many other minor things.
I also get a dialog box when I save settings that says somthing about "default", but can not remember the whole message.
Just a bunch of quirky stuff happens with this build. I will start making better notes so I can give you better beta.
I have been running build 2520 since it came out and never really had any issuses with it except for the one BIG fix. Once I put the fix on it--> worked like a champ until I installed the new build. I can't wait till the new version comes out with the fixes to all this stuff. I may revert back to build 2520, since it seems more stable. Invision is the BEST thing that happened to IRC since mIRC. What a bomber script!!! I can't live without it.