1) WordWatch doesn't seem to work. 2) Fserve Explorer info

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1) WordWatch doesn't seem to work. 2) Fserve Explorer info

Postby Recoilman » Wed Dec 31, 2003 12:31 am

I've tried setting up the simplest words like *has been* and invision still will not make a response. I'm not an op or anything and hang out on zerofuzion network. How can I get wordwatch to run?

And another thing.
How can I make the file list window in fserve explorer horizontally scrollable? Since i've been looking at the script another question came to mind. Why are there 2 fserve explorer dialogs of different sizes? I never had the smaller one pop up.
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Postby PD^renegade » Wed Dec 31, 2003 5:10 am

1. Do you get any messages in your status window when you think a word(s) should trigger your word watch ?

What kind of reply did you set ? (msg or notice) ?

You do not need any channel "status" for it to work.

not too sure what you mean about Fserv explorer, only one window appears for me with 3 panes in it.
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Postby Recoilman » Wed Dec 31, 2003 5:16 am

i selected neither msg nor notice. I wanted the response to go right in the channel. Something stupid like someone gets a trivia question right, it would say congrats or something.

Fserve explorer. Try to type /dopen invisfxp invisfxp and then try /dopen invisfxp2 invisfxp2 you'll see same thing but one is larger than the other, and some buttons are added. No big deal, just want to know what would trigger the smaller one to come up since i never seen it. Also maybe you know how to make the top 2 panes side scrollable? I've made everything else but them sidescrolling, lol. Sometimes i can't see file extensions because of really long filenames.
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