by Riamus » Mon Dec 08, 2003 10:21 am
Ok, I've managed to reproduce this problem with Invision 3515. I will attempt to find out where the problem is occuring as it is new in this build.
Reproduction of the problem resulted in all settings lost until loading from backup. And loading from backup did not load certain settings including the Theme and a few other pieces of information (Fserv explorer, converting cps>kps, bytes>GB/MB, etc).
Restoring from backup worked fine for most settings, however. Note that the restoring from backup results in you being set back to having run Invision the same number of times as where you were when you restored. This could be the cause of losing settings repeatedly if everytime you restore, you go back to the first time running Invision. I've not verified that is the case, but it is a possibility. So if you continually lose settings and use the restore feature, you may want to start Invision a few times so that it says you've used it more than once and then backup your settings. No guarantees if this will help as I've not tested it yet, but it's a possibility.
cryoa, if I find where the problem is, I'll let you know.