[11:48pm] <+seriphxdcc> XDCC Server Active Sends:«0/2» Queues:«0/5»
[11:48pm] <+seriphxdcc> Current BW:«0 cps» Record CPS:«38.4 Kbs by egel»
[11:49pm] <+seriphxdcc> Served:«56.1MB» Packs Offered:«8»
[11:49pm] <+seriphxdcc> MOTD: -= Just strutting my stuff =-
[11:49pm] <+seriphxdcc> Type:/ctcp seriphxdcc XDCC Send #<pack number> —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—
This (part of) my ad. But i want one thing changed.
Record CPS:«38.4 Kbs by egel»
I want the nick removed from this bit. Is that possible? I am not a bg fan of waving nicks around.
Thanx in advance Seriph