Invision has only 2 possibilities to color the nicks:
-normal nickcolors (modes)
-Userlist-colors (userlvl)
i wanted to combine these two and made my settings of the address book into "perform"
(i have allready one perform in this list)
/<ctcprequest @ channelbot>
/cnick - * 3 * 30 <
/cnick - * 3 * 20 < these are my friends, fellowops, .... all orange >
/cnick - * 3 * 15 <
/cnick - * 13 + <all voices pink>
/cnick - * 12 @ <all ops blue>
/cnick -n * 10 <all "no-mode" grey>
invision only takes the first (op-request @ bot), not the others.
=> "perform" is activated
why ignores invision the other commands ?
can i set these settings anywhere else ?
thx for help,