Announcer enhancement

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Announcer enhancement

Postby MuLL » Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:42 am

I want to first say that I have been using Invision for quite a while now and I love it and support all those who work to bring this to us.

I have 2 simple questions I would like to ask.

How difficult would it be to modify the announcer to allow multiple announcements. Perhaps a tab for announcement 1,2,3 and so on. In my channels I am in desperate need to have several announcements but Invision only allows 1 announcement and 1 request.

After I connect to a server and then join a channel, when I have my server set to autostart I notice that it displays my add twice in the channel. I have also noticed that when I use the XDCC server that no matter what delay settings I use It quickly displays the add and most of the time results in a flood. Any suggestions?

If someone is capable of making the addition to the announcer or making a small announcer addon I would be interested in talking to you. Thanks
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Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:33 am

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