Loss of data

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Loss of data

Postby Agrivar1 » Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:03 am

Hi All,

Maybe someone knows what I can do about the following. I have been running an fserve on invision for months. I serve on Efnet and on Nullusnet. It seems that every 6 months or so all my fserve stats for Efnet disappear; that is my total amount served, failed logs, max dl speed etc. This happend yesterday for Efnet and all my stats for Nullusnet were not affected. This seems strange to me. Anyone know what causes this? Is there a file in one of the directories that keeps this info. that I can back-up in case this happens again? As an aside, I see from some people's fserve stats that they have served in excess of a tetra of data, so I know some versions/copies of invision do not erase everything. As well, my min cps never cuts people dling below the min i set. They can be dling for 20 minutes and NEVER exceed my min and it let;s them go (very frustrating for other dlers). Anything I can do?


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Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2003 4:47 am

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