away problem

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away problem

Postby gir489 » Thu Jun 19, 2003 6:33 pm

whe i type /away <message> it doesn't display the gir489 is PLAYING VICE CITY ane more now that i renistalled it cause of some problems. plz help me. i am using Invision 2.0 Build 2520
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corrupt script

Postby wickedwackguy » Mon Jun 23, 2003 2:31 am

Since I have a pretty stupid ass family, they turn off the computer without listening to me, not turning it off. So if I turn INVISION back on a few things a pretty fucked up. Like my AD's and my AFK function. My Ad's are gone and if I turn them back on the color is gone. My AFK function is gone. It doesnt show anything anymore in the Chatroom. I would be away but nobody knows i am, because it doesnt even react on my nick. If somebody doesnt know what I mean then look above!
INVISION needs to be only writeable by INVISION itself!
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Postby wickedwackguy » Tue Jun 24, 2003 11:48 am

help anybody?
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Postby gir489 » Wed Jun 25, 2003 8:36 am

ok i fixed the away prob

what i did was go into the away manger and make shure the 4 buttons from the botton are selected and it should post a message evry time u go away
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