Well here goes...

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Well here goes...

Postby RanmaSaotome5 » Wed May 14, 2003 11:21 am

I don't know how much of this is possible but they would be excellent improvements for the new build.

1 - Global queue & send pool - I am currently on 2 networks but want only 1 set of queues & sends for my fservers.

2 - Option for fservers on different networks to show global fserve records or just that networks. If its a choice then global.

3 - Set certain fserve ad options by channel. (No Ad, MOTD, Ad Display Time, Announce Open Slots)

Ideally something like..

Channel 1 on Aniverse
No Ad
MOTD - Message A

Channel 2 on Aniverse
Ad Time - 30mins
Announce open slots
MOTD - Message B

Channel 3 on Aniverse
Ad Time - 60mins
MOTD - Message C

Channel 4 on Xnet
No Ad
MOTD - Message D

4 - A New look theme wouldn't go a miss.

5 - Priority Queues for certain channels (like distro or favorite channels).

6 - Auto Connect on startup supports Multi Servers.

I'll no doubt think of somthing else.

Like I said it would kick ass if you could include these changes....

& if not, get someone who can :P
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Joined: Wed May 14, 2003 10:16 am

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