Choosing which level can download.

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Choosing which level can download.

Postby cmk » Fri Apr 18, 2003 7:08 am

I'm using Invision 2.0 and from what I've seen it's very good. I'll admit my knowledge is limited but I am up and serving quite nicely.

My query is this. Is there a way of setting download levels as determined by what level the recipient is?

For example I want to allow all servers and above to be able to download but not leechers (for want of a better word) and random visitors (from places like and the like).

So basically it's all those without a status (!, @, %, + etc) are allowed and those without are automatically refused.

I know it sounds a little harsh but it's got to the stage where I want to serve but it's flat out all the time and I want to limit it to those who take the time to share as well. Serve and be serverd as it were.

At the moment all I seem to be able to do is use the DCC Manager menu and manually remove them from the queue.

I know I can set up Friends lists but that does seem like a drawn out and ongoing task. I'm told that excursion has this feature but also that Invisions other features outweigh it.

Hopefully this makes sense.
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Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2003 6:45 am

Postby SoNaRWaVe » Sat Apr 19, 2003 3:49 pm

The only sort of system that Invision has right now is the priority queue. Whoever is on you User List gets to download first. If you are running a small chan, an alternative is to start a private channel and invite certain people in only.
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