i2b2520 - Channel Ops

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i2b2520 - Channel Ops

Postby KrYp70N » Fri Feb 07, 2003 9:27 am

The Channel Modes Keyed will not set the key when it's typed in. Tried entering key then apply, tried entering key then going to another option but when back key was gone. Only thing i could do was to add the key manually to the config file but then the settings dialog would not display it and it would reset it to a blank key (still with the +). Resulting in me having to make the config file Read Only: \Invision\Settings\ChansetChanmodes.i2s for the default settings and not network specific.

Fresh install of i2b2520 to path with no spaces.

This also might be linked to the ERROR > 461: MODE -k Not enough parameters I posted previously:


Please advise.
Hope This Helps ;)
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Channel modes KEY

Postby Leikane » Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:44 am

WHEN SETTING +K enter the KEYNAME FIRST then click +. if you click + first you can always enter the keyname and just click on + again to set it.

Most people click the + then enter the KEY... they click APPLY after that only to find that the KEY is not set. You MUST click the + AFTER entering the KEY... then APPLY. It's also a good habit to SAVE ALL SETTINGS before clicking the OK button upon exiting.[/quote]
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