Enabling "Protect OPS from deops and kicks"

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Enabling "Protect OPS from deops and kicks"

Postby KrYp70N » Fri Mar 07, 2003 12:26 am

As I understand it, this is supposed to only be triggered if the nick being deopped is in the userlist. When I enabled this it was being triggered when someone not in my userlist was being deopped. Please advise if I'm mistaken as to how this function works or if someone else would confirm this for me.

It didn't kick out the nick that deopped or attempt to invite the deopped nick. All it did was have me reOP the deopped user and display "Nick is a friend of mine" in the channel.

I verified the ip/mask of the user affected was not in my userlist or mirc' users, no other scripts i have loaded were set to op this user, not in protected or autoop in mirc. Turned off the "Protect OPS from deops and kicks" and seems to have ceased. Will update if it continues but need someone else to try to confirm this for me.

Thanks a bunch.
Hope This Helps ;)
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Postby cnils » Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:29 am

There is no code in Invision for kicking or inviting in this situation.
But the other code looks fine after a quick look. Can't really tell what happened.
Posts: 426
Joined: Wed Oct 09, 2002 9:01 pm

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