Last letter of channel missing when starting XDCC= 401 Error

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Last letter of channel missing when starting XDCC= 401 Error

Postby Shinobi » Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:26 am

:shock: I've been trying to start XDCC, but I can't because I get "401: No such Nick or Channel" errors. It took me awhile to figure it out, but after looking at my screen, I saw that the last letter of the channel was missing from the error messages. For an example, here's what happened when I tried to start XDCC while I was in the channel #movie-godz

[5:18am] -> *#movie-god* XDCC Server Active Sends:«1/1» Queues:«2/20»
[5:18am] -> *#movie-god* Served:«0B» Packs Offered:«9» Offering:«2.9G»
[5:18am] ERROR > 401: No such nick/channel: #movie-god

I thought it might have been an error only for that channel, so I opened a second window and tried to start XDCC in a channel named #xdcc4u

It was worse. It joined both servers names for some reason.

[5:09am] -> *#movie-godz#xdcc4* XDCC Server Active Sends:«0/1» Queues:«3/20»
[5:09am] -> *#movie-godz#xdcc4* Served:«0B» Packs Offered:«9» Offering:«2.9G»
[5:09am] ERROR > 401: No such nick/channel: #movie-godz#xdcc4
[5:09am] -> *#movie-godz#xdcc4* Sends:«0/1» Queues:«3/20» Record CPS:«0 cps by n/a»

Has anybody else had this problem or error? Is there a fix?

P.S. I'm running Windows XP on a HP Pavillion 320
Funky Monkey!
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