I wanted to change the boring brackets around nicks in channels and queries from < > to ( ).
I found the following code on the boards at mirc.com but ran into some trouble when i put it in. Basically, i get double text of my own writing (each line with different brackets). Any help?
------------------My results:
[10:35.16] <@{51-50}ilferetl> does it double for you?
[10:35.16] (@{51-50}ilferetl) does it double for you?
[10:35.17] <@{51-50}ilferetl> or just me
[10:35.17] (@{51-50}ilferetl) or just me
[10:35.19] (@{51-50}g0LDie) nope
[10:35.22] <@{51-50}ilferetl> k
[10:35.22] (@{51-50}ilferetl) k
[10:35.24] (@{51-50}what) no
; For channel text someone else types
#Custom.Display.Channel on
on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{
echo $color(normal) -mbflirt $chan $&
$+($chr(40), $chr(3), $nick($chan, $nick).color, $pcnick($nick), $chr(3), $chr(41)) $1-
; For channel text you type
on *:INPUT:#:{
if /* !iswm $1- && $ctrlenter == $false {
if ($ShouldPrefixOwn) echo $color(own) -mait $&
$+($chr(40), $chr(3), $nick($chan, $me).color, $pcnick($me), $chr(3), $chr(41)) $1-
else $&
echo $color(own) -mait ) $1-
#Custom.Display.Channel end
; For query text someone else types
#Custom.Display.Query on
on ^*:TEXT:*:?:{
echo $color(normal) -mbflirt $nick $*
$+($chr(40), $chr(3), $cnick($nick).color, $nick, $chr(3), $chr(41)) $1-
; For query text you type
on *:INPUT:?:{
if /* !iswm $1- && $ctrlenter == $false {
if ($ShouldPrefixOwn) echo $color(own) -mait $&
$+($chr(40), $chr(3), $cnick($me).color, $me, $chr(3), $chr(41)) $1-
else echo $color(own) -mait ) $1-
#Custom.Display.Query end
; Return the $pcnick(nick)
; after checking mirc.ini to see if the $nick($chan, $nick).pnick should be returned.
alias -l pcnick return $iif($gettok($readini($mircini, Options, n2), 30, 44) == 1, $nick($chan, $1).pnick, $1)
; $ShouldPrefixOwn
; returns $true or $null, depending on how you have your mIRC set up.
alias -l ShouldPrefixOwn if ($gettok($readini($mircini, Options, n0), 23, 44) == 1) return $true
; Popup menus to turn channel and query reformatting on and off individually.
menu status,channel,query {
; Main menu: Custom (Nick)
Custom (Nick)
; Custom (Nick) Submenu: Channel
.$iif($group(#Custom.Display.Channel) == on, $style(1)) Channel:{
$iif($group(#Custom.Display.Channel) == on, .disable, .enable) #Custom.Display.Channel
; Custom (Nick) Submenu: Query
.$iif($group(#Custom.Display.Query) == on, $style(1)) Query:{
$iif($group(#Custom.Display.Query) == on, .disable, .enable) #Custom.Display.Query
; Custom (Nick) Submenu: Line separator
; Custom (Nick) Submenu: Both Channel and Query
.$iif($group(#Custom.Display.Channel) == on, $style(1)) Both:{
$iif($group(#Custom.Display.Channel) == on, .disable, .enable) #Custom.Display.*