Probably a dumb question.. but...

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Probably a dumb question.. but...

Postby Cyber-Surfer » Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:35 pm

I know how to edit mIRC script files, using the script editor.. (the popups.ini, alias.ini, etc..) But I can't seem to get it to load and allow me to edit the addons.ini file to include custom items for my popup menus. I can edit the file in notepad++ and it works fine, but if I have to add stuff, editing the line numbers manually is a royal pain in the ass.. which isn't a problem if using mIRC's script editor, since the line numbers are hidden in it....

So how does one get it to load and display the contents in the mIRC script editor, or what program works with editing it, and updating/keeping the line numbers...


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Re: Probably a dumb question.. but...

Postby XMog » Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:14 am

What is addons.ini, your own popups script? Can you load it into the Popups section in mIRC's script editor (select the Popups tab, select the View menu, choose the section you want to load, then File -> Load)?

Note that I don't believe you can have multiple popup scripts loaded in a single section (Status, Channel, etc), so you would probably have to merge them in with Invision's, unless you want to replace them.
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Re: Probably a dumb question.. but...

Postby Cyber-Surfer » Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:17 pm

The actual filename is: Addmenus.ini

It's located in Invision/Addons/

It's got sections where you can add menu items to the Nicklist, Query, Channel, and Status.... It's loaded via the Invision -> Addon Scripts -> Addon Manager (Dialog)

So it's part of Invision... But no matter WHERE I load it into the mIRC script editor it doesn't show anything....
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Re: Probably a dumb question.. but...

Postby XMog » Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:51 am

Ah, I see. Well, to make changes to the file without worrying about line numbers, you can load it into the script editor, in the "Remotes" section. It works for me there. Make sure you have a [script] section in the file, as that is where the mIRC script editor will read the script data from, since it's in the ".ini" file/script format.

Alternatively, you could remove all the line numbers and headers and save it with the ".mrc" extension. Then mIRC will treat it as a regular script. You won't be able to load it through the Addon Manager this way though.
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