Cannot change nickname while banned or moderated

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Cannot change nickname while banned or moderated

Postby rans0m » Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:31 pm

I just installed invision 3.3 with Mirc 7.32. I did not realize I had updated Mirc before installing invision, do I do not know if my problems are related.
I get this error pretty much constantly. "Abjects [5:07pm] ERROR > 437: Cannot change nickname while banned or moderated on channel: #ChannelIamOn" The channel I am on is moderated. I think this must be regarding changing my nickname, but the nickname did change to what it should be. Its is spamming on what appears to be the channel or window I currently have open. But I have it set in Invision to send notices to the network status window that error is happening on. It is not always the same network, sometimes it happens on a channel on Undernet that I have moderated. I have spent literally hours setting up my networks and channels how I want them, since I sit on so many networks. If you can tell me either a way to fix this, or at least make it display in the correct place(the status window) I would appreciate it. Thanks for all the hard work, this has to be the most complex and complete script I have ever come across for mirc 7+.
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Re: Cannot change nickname while banned or moderated

Postby Riamus » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:11 am

Invision will try to change to the nick you have set up in Invision menu > Main Settings if you have Maintain Nick enabled. On a moderated channel, you are not allowed to change your nick. That's due to the ircd and not mIRC or Invision. If you don't want Invision to try and maintain your nick, just turn it off. Alternately, you can enable the option Part Channels for Nick Regain in the same dialog and you'll automatically part the channel that is preventing you from changing your nick.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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Re: Cannot change nickname while banned or moderated

Postby rans0m » Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:28 am

OK, maybe my old script just did not throw out the error message for it, not used to seeing it. Thanks for the reply!
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