unable to backup settings

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unable to backup settings

Postby theskid » Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:05 am

hi ,trying to backup settings but can not ,tried new installs and older mirc's

keep getting this error:

* /run: unable to open file 'C:\Invision\pkzipc -add -rec -path=relative -speed -NoZipExtension SettingsBackup_Dec_16_2012.isz' (line 483, iunique.mrc)

can anybody help with this
thankyou :D
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Re: unable to backup settings

Postby Riamus » Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:10 am

That's planned to be fixed in the next release and is due to a change in parsing in mIRC. Note that I believe that parsing is being reverted to the previous version in the next release of mIRC, but we'll still make the change so it won't matter. If you'd like it fixed now, just go to the line mentioned (line 483 in iunique.mrc -- press Alt-R and then use the View menu to select that file) and change pkzipc to pkzipc.exe .
You can find me at #Invision on irc.irchighway.net or #OldGames on irc.undernet.org if you need me for anything.
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