Invision 3.2 issues with mIRC 7.19

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Invision 3.2 issues with mIRC 7.19

Postby Chatguy » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:31 pm

I'm new to Invision and back on IRC after some years...

I'm having issues with Nickserv auto IDENTIFY etc. I make the settings but they don't seem to stick. I installed mIRC as a non portable version so it stores it's settings in %AppData% and not the mIRC directory. I have it installed into c:\Invision. I installed mIRC first to that directory and then installed Invision into that directory. I'm wondering if the script works properly with an mIRC install using %AppData% folder to store user settings.

This is the error I get from Freenode

[5:35pm] ERROR > 421: Unknown command: IDENTIFY
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Re: Invision 3.2 issues with mIRC 7.19

Postby Riamus » Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:24 pm

Invision isn't meant to be used with Appdata. It may work that way, but it may also have errors. It hasn't been tested enough to verify that it all works with appdata. That doesn't mean you should install mIRC as portable, because that doesn't always work well with scripts due to how things are saved. Instead, you should install mIRC using normal settings, then do a full Invision install, which will place all of the mIRC settings files in the install folder. That prevents mIRC from using appdata.

Regarding the identify error, we are looking into this right now. It appears to be a settings error where the script is unable to send /msg nickserv and instead just sends /identify on some networks. The next release should fix this problem once we isolate the cause. If it's a simple fix, I'll post it here for you.
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Re: Invision 3.2 issues with mIRC 7.19

Postby Chatguy » Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:46 pm

What do you mean by a full install?

I use the exe installer and selected Invision only as I, at that point, already have mIRC 7.19 installed to c:\Invision
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Re: Invision 3.2 issues with mIRC 7.19

Postby Riamus » Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:08 pm

Yes, that will prevent the use of Appdata by placing the settings files in the install folder.
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Re: Invision 3.2 issues with mIRC 7.19

Postby Riamus » Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:25 pm

As a note, I still haven't been able to isolate the nickserv issue discussed here. Once I find the cause, I'll post a solution here.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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