3.1.3 /if: insufficient parameters (line 87, ialias2.mrc)

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3.1.3 /if: insufficient parameters (line 87, ialias2.mrc)

Postby jafin » Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:12 am

OpAllFellowOp gives error:

/if: insufficient parameters (line 87, ialias2.mrc)

;if $level($address($nick($1,%tmpCurCt),5)) >= 17 && $uchanchk($address($nick($1,%tmpCurCt),5),$1) && $nick($1,%tmpCurCt),0) != $me && $nick($1,%tmpCurCt),0) !isop $1 {
if $level($address($nick($1,%tmpCurCt),5)) >= 17 && $uchanchk($address($nick($1,%tmpCurCt),5),$1) && $nick($1,%tmpCurCt) != $me && $nick($1,%tmpCurCt) !isop $1 {

This seems to get by for me but fear my poor mirc scripting skills.
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Re: 3.1.3 /if: insufficient parameters (line 87, ialias2.mrc

Postby Riamus » Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:58 am

Thank you for the bug report. The original code you posted is definitely wrong. Your changes look like they are fine. I'll double check later today when I have time to test it out, but looking at the code, it looks fine with what you did.

EDIT: Yeah, that seems to be fine. We'll continue to test it, but I don't see any issues with that change. We'll include it in the next release.
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