Remove colors from "System Info"

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Remove colors from "System Info"

Postby Apexi » Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:07 pm

Hi again. Back with new "problems". Why are the text in "Display in channel" -> "System info" blue?
If +c is set in the channel the script want work properly.

This is the commands i use and all of them is typed in blue/cyan color
Display in Channel
.System Info:{ show sys }
.Drive Info:{ Drivefo $chan }
.Hard Drive Usage Bar:{ uvf $chan }
.RAM Usage Bar: { membar $chan }
.OS and Uptime:{ show OS }
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Re: Remove colors from "System Info"

Postby Riamus » Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:06 am

Turn off colors if you don't want them. Main Settings > Colors.

If you have a channel that doesn't allow colors, you can also right click in that channel and choose Block Colors TO Channel. This will allow you to use colors everywhere else but will remove them in that channel.
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