How did?

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How did?

Postby Respec » Sat May 29, 2010 8:01 am

hello inivision i have recently bought mirc but for my websie but it have mibbit how do i chang it from mibbit to look like this irc ... -Client%29 thankx for the help or suupot uf you ca help me and also in this irc how do i create my own bot like eg. fearbot with it own name and etc. please reply.
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Re: How did?

Postby Riamus » Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:27 am

This forum is for support of the Invision for mIRC. Any questions regarding mibbit should be directed to their forums. As far as setting up a bot, that requires finding or using a script or a combination of scripts that do what you want. Invision is not made for bots and isn't useful as a bot script.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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