User levels in invision?

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User levels in invision?

Postby XxMayhemxx » Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:43 pm

on the irc network i use.. User levels are as follows

3 = +v
4 = +h
5-9 = +o
10-9998 = +a
9999 = +q

is this the same for invision? or are they diff
I have Invision 3.1.1

I'm making a snippet where i need a remote to fire for only half-ops or higher

This is what i have
menu nicklist {
if ($ulevel < 4)
else {
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Re: User levels in invision?

Postby Riamus » Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:39 pm

mIRC cannot obtain the network's user level number. $ulevel refers to whatever level a person is in mIRC's (Invision's) user list... you'd have to add the person to the list with the level that you want them to have.

What you need is "ishop" --

if ($nick ishop $chan) { }

Be aware that menus are special considerations and do not handle all code. You may be required to use an alias to achieve whatever you're trying to achieve.
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Re: User levels in invision?

Postby XxMayhemxx » Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:06 pm

k thanks.. i used nicklist...cuz im trying to make it so when a a remote fires..
on 1:text:!userstats:#chan

I need to be able to select any user...and i got a socket opening to check said user on a site...
later on i will check my pulled results against the nick or user i typed in...
i could do it in popups easier, but i prefer to check any name from our site, as opposed to any name in nicklist

would i use $nick? or maybe one of these $? with a $! later to retrieve S?

I made a $user identifier also.. but might not need it..

on 1:text:!userstats:$?:#chan


on 1:text:!userstats::#chan
if (%nick == $nick)

lol idk...

the user lvl thing was because we might not want lower lvl users using the command, but of course, they wouldnt be able to use the nicklist command.. as that wouldnt be in their remotes anyways lol
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Re: User levels in invision?

Postby Riamus » Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:46 pm

You aren't really making sense as far as what you're trying to do. A clear step-by-step example would allow me to have some idea of how to help you.
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Re: User levels in invision?

Postby XxMayhemxx » Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:03 pm

lol oh sorry
im makeing a script to retrieve users stats off our site
but right now.. whoever types in !userstats, it retrieves their own stats..
but we need one that will allow a moderator to type in any users name and retrieve that users stats

Is it possible to type in a users name with the remote?
i have a few example scripts im kinda going off of... and ive had a few other ppls socket scripts work, and some that dont(possibly made for older version of mirc)
but so far i can't find anything on specifying a certain user in a remote...

on *:text:!userstats:#chan: {
/sockopen sockname 80

thats the command to start the script, open the socket, write, and read , but how do we specify a certain user?
thats why i asked for user levels before.. cuz i used a nicklist popup to specify a user... but in that case, we can only search users that are in the nicklist on mirc..
perferrably, we'd like to search any user...

I was hoping that we could type !userstats <nickname>
and later on in the script, use a custom identifier for that name we typed in and find his data on the site...

I read on a site, you can use a $? for something, and use a $! later on in the script to retrieve the $?
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Re: User levels in invision?

Postby Riamus » Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:28 am

You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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Re: User levels in invision?

Postby XxMayhemxx » Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:12 am

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Re: User levels in invision?

Postby Riamus » Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:28 am

Kind of, yeah. Though you are using %temptxt and %temptxt1. You'll have to adjust that. It will work without fixing it, but not as well. Also, keep in mind that your $striphtml() part doesn't need the nick and Stats: inside of it and that it will only remove html tags... if the line has Stats:, Posts, Today, Total, etc. in it, you'll see those in your $striphtml(), so you're going to have Stats: doubled. You also don't need your IF line to be that long unless that's the only way to get it to match the right line. If it will match the right line with just: if (<span class="smallText"> $+ %site.nick *) { } , then that's probably the better way to have it. Also, make sure you use $+ to connect a variable with something else... you can't have class="smallText">%site.nick or it won't treat it as a variable. If there's a space in the source, then you can just put a space, but if they touch in the source, use $+ like I showed to connect them.
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Re: User levels in invision?

Postby XxMayhemxx » Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:20 pm

oh i thought i would have to use tempttxt 1 and 2.. one for each bit of info im reading...

like posts: temp1 total: temp2
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Re: User levels in invision?

Postby Riamus » Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:53 pm

/sockread puts the information into a variable. If you want to check that variable to see if it matches something, then you have to use the same variable name both places. You can use different variable names for a variety of reasons, but just make sure your comparisons are checking the right variable name. From what you showed, %temptxt1 doesn't have anything stored in it, so your IF line won't ever match and your echo doesn't have anything to echo.

For example, if I write (sockread) a book (variable) and name it (the variable) "Stories of Invision" and then later I want to check to see if my name is somewhere in the book (variable), I wouldn't want to look through a book (variable) titled "The Mystery of the Missing Script." I'd have to look in the right location to find out. Ok, bad example, but hey... you probably get the idea anyhow. :)
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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Re: User levels in invision?

Postby XxMayhemxx » Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:04 pm

lol k thnaks
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