Invision on Vista - Menu bar Images

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Invision on Vista - Menu bar Images

Postby luciam1988 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:11 pm

Hello, I've just installed Invision 3.1 on my Vista PC, i've changed the images of the "left side" menu bar, but somehow, it changes itself to the default one. Also the buttons bar picture disappears.

I'm also losing the colors settings, etc.

Any idea? Invision is installed under C:/Invision

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Re: Invision on Vista - Menu bar Images

Postby Riamus » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:55 am

Any theme changes need to be done from the Theme Manager or they will change back after restarting Invision. You may also be able to just unload the current theme and then change it manually... though I haven't actually tried that. As for colors and settings, they vary by network, so maybe that's what you're having happen? If you set them up on one network, they won't be set up on another unless you first set it while disconnected as a default setting (see the installation sticky). Also, you need to wait a minute or so after making changes before closing Invision.
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