Fileserver: folder sharing-multiple names

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Fileserver: folder sharing-multiple names

Postby Dexo » Wed May 20, 2009 6:14 am

is it possible to share the same folder using different names? (copying isn't an option in this case)
it would be good for animes, since some of them have 2-5 names,
realisation of the idea for example:create an txt file with the exntension .inv, in the file you write every name in a seperate line and then invision shows the directory under its original name and under those written in the .inv file

would this be possible?
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Re: Fileserver: folder sharing-multiple names

Postby Riamus » Wed May 20, 2009 3:52 pm

Unfortunately, something like that requires a complete new codebase to handle it. Invision uses mIRC's build in commands to display your files and folders, so it cannot change how those show up without making all its own commands to handle it. That's really way too much work for such a small advantage. As a suggestion, though, you could just create an empty folder with a blank file in it with named something with something like "See other name".

Gedo Senki aka Tales from Earthsea

You can put the actual file in the "Gedo Senki" folder, then create a folder titled "Tales from Earthsea". Inside that folder, put a blank file named "See Gedo Senki". The filename can have .txt at the end, but you can also remove that and just leave it as "See Gedo Senki". This way, someone can find it by what they know it as, but see that it's named something else and that the file is in that other folder. Alternatively, your folder titled "Tales from Earthsea" could instead be named "Tales from Earthsea - See Gedo Senki" and have nothing inside the folder. Either way lets the users find the file without having duplicate (or more) copies of the videos taking up space.
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Re: Fileserver: folder sharing-multiple names

Postby Dexo » Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:39 am

ok, thx

altough its a bit problematic to organize files like this when you have 100+ anime/manga with one name already
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