New XDCC Manager Addon

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New XDCC Manager Addon

Postby Riamus » Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:23 am

Ok, I've decided to start some more addon/improvement development on Invision while we're waiting for the next version. To start out, I'm working on a new XDCC Manager. It will be an addon that will work with the latest version of Invision (not with other scripts). I'm not fully integrating it because that would require a lot more work and make things much more frustrating for people trying to install it. Besides, this way you can keep your current XDCC Setup in case you don't like this one.

So far, here are the features (yes, some are features already available... I'm just listing all that I'm including):

Θ Unlimited networks
Θ Virtually unlimited channels (all settings must fit within 64,000 characters)
Θ Virtually unlimited packs (all settings must fit within 64,000 characters)
Θ Separate pack lists per channel
Θ Separate max queues per channel
Θ Separate max sends per channel
Θ Max queues per person are set up by channel
Θ Max sends per person are set up by channel
Θ Separate Ad Delay per channel
Θ Separate Line Delay per channel
Θ Individual pack "bytes sent" stats (it will display total bytes based on completed downloads)
Θ Individual pack download stats
Θ Ability to set colors of packs by on a per-pack basis (including random)
Θ Random pack color will not use black or white colors to prevent "invisible" packs since those are the colors used for most people's backgrounds. You can manually set a pack color to either of those colors, of course.
Θ A single XDCC Manager to edit/view all networks and channels in one location rather than only being able to edit/view the data for the network you're connected to.
Θ Ability to auto start
Θ Ability to display or not display the pack list in the ad

And, I will see if it's possible for me to easily add a multiple queue pool option, though right now that is a low priority for me. I may also consider a full stats page (total stats, stats by network, stats by channel, most download files). Right now, there is only a per-pack stats and the standard stats you see at the top of the current ad itself. We'll see about that one.

The idea behind this is to make it work for an unlimited number of channels with different options per channel. Having unlimited packs alone, will make this a very large improvement.

If you have any other features you want to see in this, please post them. I will try to add all the features people want. This is still a little ways off. I've got a lot done so far, but there's still a lot left to do. I'm posting in order to get suggestions for features while I'm still working on it.

Also, if you want something else improved/added in Invision, you can post what it is in the features request forum (if it's already posted, bump it for me so I know there's still interest in it). I'll see about doing additional additions and improvements after I complete this. Note that I probably will only do ones that are beneficial to many users and not things that only benefit a few (unless it's an easy thing to do).

A note on the "virtually unlimited" sections. Because of how the settings will be stored in order to give the best results, 64k is the maximum size for settings *PER NETWORK*. Basically, this will allow an average of about 300+ packs.

I may end up changing this around a bit to offer 64k per channel rather than per network. This would allow for about 300+ packs per channel rather than per network.
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Postby Riamus » Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:40 am

Update on this...

The settings and dialog are completed now. What is left is integrating it into Invision and making necessary changes so that the extra features work with Invision.

Also, note that each channel will end up having its own queue list by default. Unless I make some change, you can't create or remove queue lists, but you'll have one per channel. Most likely, there will be a separate queue list on each channel for priority, but I'm not positive yet.

One good thing to note with this is that the settings will be stored in their own files and won't get messed up even if you lose the rest of Invision's settings. I'll see about fixing that problem after I'm done with this.
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Postby Ev0luti0n_ » Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:56 am

well, just keep up the good work, and im hoping cryoa reads this, feels bad, and releases a new invision build! :P
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Postby Riamus » Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:09 am

Well, I ended up not working on it for a bit, but I started back up on it. Just to give an idea of where I am in it:

Things done:
Θ All settings are done (including adding/removing/sorting packs).
Θ Small and verbose ads are done except "total bytes offered" in the small ad.
Θ Individual channel queue lists are set up.
Θ Sending files is set up, but I haven't yet gotten it set up to send the next queue when one send completes.
Θ Responding to List and Send commands is done.
Θ So far, I just have Invision's default colors (the ones you set in options) for ad/pack display set up. I still need to set it to use the colors you choose in settings.
Θ /ctcp commands accepted.

Things to do:
Θ Everything that happens when one send finishes or fails.
Θ Setting up colors for packs based on what is chosen in settings.
Θ Add /msg commands.
Θ Checking for bugs and figuring out if anything else needs added/changed.

One note regarding this... Because it is set up to allow different settings/packs/etc on multiple channels on the same network, any request for a pack or a list (other than when done in a channel) will require typing the channel name in the request.

/ctcp nick xdcc #channel send #1

I'm not sure of another way to handle this. /ctcp will know what network you're on when requesting it, but it wouldn't know what channel. If anyone can think of a better way to do this, let me know.

Anyhow, I'm hoping to complete this tonight, though I may not. It depends what problems may arise, and how busy I am.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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Re: New XDCC Manager Addon

Postby pedrinhux » Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:25 pm

Hum... very good.
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Re: New XDCC Manager Addon

Postby Riamus » Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:15 am

If you look at the date, this has been canceled for a long time now. Now that I'm working on updating Invision myself, the XDCC Manager has already been improved within Invision instead of as a separate addon.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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Re: New XDCC Manager Addon

Postby Dexo » Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:32 pm

where's the download link?

This might be old-but its better than the xdcc script invision has.
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Re: New XDCC Manager Addon

Postby Riamus » Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:56 am

It's not available. I decided back then not to complete it. If there is something specific you want to see in Invision, let us know. If no one suggests something, chances are that it won't be added or changed.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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Re: New XDCC Manager Addon

Postby Dexo » Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:26 am

What id like to see in Invision is mostly what you've already made
hope its not too much ;)

Θ Separate pack lists per channel
Θ Separate max queues per channel
Θ Separate max sends per channel
Θ Max queues per person are set up by channel
Θ Max sends per person are set up by channel
Θ A single XDCC Manager to edit/view all networks and channels in one location rather than only being able to edit/view the data for the network you're connected to.
Θ xdcc server autostart
option to respond to
/msg [nick] xdcc list
not with text but with saying: /msg [nick] xdcc send #1
and #1 is an automatical created packlist (individually for each channel)
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Re: New XDCC Manager Addon

Postby Riamus » Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:44 pm

Well, most of that wasn't already done. And even the stuff that was done is gone. I have nothing from that time period anymore.

As for the per-channel options, that is a really tricky situation because the only way for the server to know what channel you're trying to get a list from is to include the channel name in the GET request. That means changing the standard request to something people are not familiar with, which isn't usually a good idea. I commented on that when I was first working on this idea. Every request would have to be something like /msg nick get #channel #1 (or /ctcp). That's not really a good setup.

The single XDCC Manager is no longer very possible because you can have almost 1,000 packs per network and trying to display that many on multiple networks at once just isn't really possible and still have it usable.

And the pack list being sent to the person instead of displaying the text list was added back in July 2007.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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