Bug-Script Error-or Hacked?

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Bug-Script Error-or Hacked?

Postby foofighter » Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:32 pm

Firstly, hello and thanks for supporting this great script! :)

I had a minor altercation (very minor) with someone in a chat, and suddenly mIRC went berzerk!

I was seeing all types of errors such as...

* /splay: no such file
ERROR > 421: Unknown command: -U3
ERROR > 421: Unknown command: %PING.

That's only a few...I forget the rest and unfortunately to my own lameness, neglected to record them. When I connected to any channel, all I got was flooded with such errors and then I would get disconnected and mIRC would crash. The reason I think it may have been a hack, is the person I had the squabble with had his identity listed under the Scripts Editor/Users tab. I do not know if it would be correct to post it publicly, so for now I will keep it to myself. If Staff let me know it is OK to post it, or prefer it in a PM just let me know.

I also saw several strange scripts that were not listed in the Scripts Editor prior to this incident.

Such as:
(Under Scripts Editor/Remote)

w.static Script ialias1 $crc($mircdirsystem\aliases\ialias1.mrc)
w.static Script ialias2 $crc($mircdirsystem\aliases\ialias2.mrc)
w.static Script ialias3 $crc($mircdirsystem\aliases\ialias3.mrc)
w.static Script ialias4 $crc($mircdirsystem\aliases\ialias4.mrc)
w.static Script ialias5 $crc($mircdirsystem\aliases\ialias5.mrc)
w.static Script imprtwiz $crc($mircdirsystem\aliases\imprtwiz.mrc)

w.static Script ichanctl $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\ichanctl.mrc)
w.static Script dalnet $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\dalnet.mrc)
w.static Script ictcp $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\ictcp.mrc)
w.static Script ifsmgr $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\ifsmgr.mrc)
w.static Script iftpxdcc $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\iftpxdcc.mrc)
w.static Script igostop $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\igostop.mrc)
w.static Script imaindlg $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\imaindlg.mrc)
w.static Script imisc $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\imisc.mrc)
w.static Script imiscdlg $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\imiscdlg.mrc)
w.static Script iraws $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\iraws.mrc)
w.static Script itext $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\itext.mrc)
w.static Script popups $crc($mircdirsystem\popups.ini)
w.static Script isoundfx $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\isoundfx.mrc)
w.static Script ipcustom $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\ipcustom.mrc)
w.static Script idccnmp3 $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\idccnmp3.mrc)
w.static Script imiscmgr $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\imiscmgr.mrc)
w.static Script iserv $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\iserv.mrc)
w.static Script ihelp $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\ihelp.mrc)
w.static Script iunique $crc($mircdirsystem\remotes\iunique.mrc)

I did copy everything into Notepad, but I doubt I could post it all at once due to character limitations of the Forum.

If Staff would like, I can e-mail the entire Notepad text at their convenience.

Thank You for taking the time to look into this for me.

Edit: I am using mIRC v6.2 and Invision 2.0 Build 3515
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Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:19 am

Re: Bug-Script Error-or Hacked?

Postby Riamus » Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:59 pm

As long as the information you're posting isn't a way to hack someone, you can post all of the details here. If it's something that you feel is a method to hack mIRC and/or Invision, then PM me directly with the details so that you aren't spreading the method to others.

That said, it may or may not be a hack. First of all, all of the script files you listed are valid and what you posted is part of the iunique.mrc file and is also valid for Invision users. If you were using Invision before, then you did have those installed before.

As for the errors, without more details, it's not possible to pinpoint the problem, but is sounds like a messed up script file. Maybe when all of this happened, you accidentally copied a line of text from the channel/PM that included his nick (since you said his nick was in the script somewhere) and some other text and then you ended up pasting it into a script somewhere without realizing it, thereby breaking part of the script. That may or may not be what happened, but it's possible. If you post the line with the nick and the line(s) around it, I could verify if this happened. Other things may also be at fault, but I'm thinking that it is a broken script in any case.

The best option would be to just upgrade Invision to the latest version anyhow. That will fix your script and will give you the latest fixes and features.
You can find me at #Invision on irc.irchighway.net or #OldGames on irc.undernet.org if you need me for anything.
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Re: Bug-Script Error-or Hacked?

Postby foofighter » Mon Dec 24, 2007 5:07 pm

Wow, thanks for the speedy reply Riamus! :D

I appreciate it. 8)

I will PM you with the details.
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Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:19 am

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