Invision 3515-C Released (works with 6.21+)

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Invision 3515-C Released (works with 6.21+)

Postby Riamus » Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:01 pm

The next unofficial patch for Invision is now available. This patch should fix most bugs and make it work correctly with mIRC 6.21 and higher. It also includes a few minor improvements.

You can download this patch is two forms -- as a full install (includes mIRC and all files), or as an update so you can just overwrite the files in your current 3515, 3515-A, or 3515-B installation.

Remember, do NOT import settings for any upgrade of the script. And, do not install into a directory that has spaces (e.g. C:\Program Files\mIRC\) or you will have problems.

-- Just extract into a new folder and run.
-- Install mIRC first, then install Invision 3515 into that folder. Then extract this into that folder, overwriting all files if asked. Use this on a current install as well, just extract into your current Invision folder.

Note that the second file allows you to keep your current settings. However, for a nice and clean upgrade, the first file is your best choice. It is also best to follow the Installing Invision sticky to guarantee a good install.

If you find any bugs while using 3515C, please make sure that you include in the post's subject line that you're using 3515C. For example, the subject might be: [3515C] Found a bug in _____ -- This will help us to better help you with your problems and also will help us when we're ready to make a new patch.

Also, I strongly recommend doing the bug fixes listed in the sticky in the bugs forum and checking back there regularly.

Here are the changes in the C patch (you can download the file )...

March 11, 2007

Invision 2 Build 3515-C Unofficial Fix Pack

This is another fix pack put together by XMog and Riamus, with fixes and improvements from the Invision forums and #Invision on

New Features :

* Packaged with the updated server list
* All OS displays have been improved and will now show correct OS information (including Vista)
* Timestamp has been added to "X is attempting to send Y" messages
* The fserv explorer window now has horizontal scrollbars for long filenames
* The Logviewer has been made to work with the new .1.log logging method found in mIRC 6.21. It will load ALL .log/.*.log files for the chosen date in order (.log, .1.log, .2.log, etc) if there is more than one log file for that date
* The Logviewer will also automatically load all files for the current date again when using 6.21 even if all you have is a .1.log file (mIRC's log options must still have logs in the main log folder and not split into network folders for this to work)

Bug Fixes :

* $ct error
* $timers error
* 7isnum error (timestamp error)
* Force Fserv Explorer bug (missing returns)
* File size error in the "X is attempting to send Y to you" message
* Fixed a bug which prevented rejoin a channel that is open (but not connected to) using either /rejoin or the right click menu
* Fixed some bugs when viewing SysReset fservs in Fserv Explorer
* Changed the order of "X is logged in as Y" display when Channel Scan is enabled
* Fixed incorrect filesize displays on files over 1GB
* More changes to try and reduce problems with the settings not saving properly
* Fixed a bug that prevented turning off the "Put trigger in front of files in list" option in the MP3 Fileserver
* Fixed a right click bug when using mIRC 6.21 (invalid $iif)
* Fixed a bug preventing playing MP3s from the menu in mIRC 6.21
* Fixed a problem with XDCC ads not displaying in the correct order
* Fixed a bug when using Block Channel XDCC Ads (/elseif: invalid format [line 18, iunique.mrc] )
* Fixed a bug preventing you from adding an autojoin channel from the right click menu if you don't already have at least one added
* Fixed a bug in the Triggered SoundFX tab of the Sound Manager, where buttons appeared that shouldn't be there
* Fixed a bug allowing a newly requested file to be sent before the rest of the queues if it was requested right when another send completed

Changes :

* The default for !seen tracking is now set to everyone instead of just friends (it is still disabled by default)
* The F12 hotkey has been disabled because it causes more problems than it helps
* Shortened all lines mentioning Version information
* The default for "Dclick nick respond" is now set to Off
* The default for "Capture Server Notices to Isolated Window" is now set to Off
* The timestamp on netsplit messages has been moved to the front of the message
* The default identd username has been removed
* Changed how a couple variables are unset
* Invision will no longer force close when there are major errors. Instead, it will provide an error message
* Invision now unsets many variables that it didn't before to save space
* Queues will automatically save as soon as you Stop or Pause your fserv (Stop Now, Stop Now w/ Reason, Pause)
* When you turn on Lag Monitor, it will automatically activate it in the titlebar. You can manually disable that so that it appears in the status window if you want to
* "Hear own sounds" no longer works if SoundFX are disabled (you'll need to go into Sound Manager and apply the settings for it to take effect if you don't have a clean install)
* The default button bar is not set to None because of an additional button in the newer versions of mIRC
* Minor GUI changes
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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