by Riamus » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:18 pm
That happens when part of the script isn't loaded. This could happen if you accidentally unload it or change it yourself, or if your computer (or mIRC) crashes, it could happen. Other scripts could also do it if they are designed to.
Your options are:
1) Reinstall Invision.
2) Press Alt-R and make sure you are on the Remotes tab. Then, go to File > Load. Open the System\Remotes\ folder and manually load everything you find in that folder. Then, click the Aliases tab and then File > Load and load everything in the System\Aliases\ folder. You could just see which ones aren't loaded, but if you manually load all of them, it will make sure that you don't miss something.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.