A Virus is infected in Invision 3515 Found by McAfee

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A Virus is infected in Invision 3515 Found by McAfee

Postby GroundZero » Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:38 pm

Hi i used use invision long time ago and quit cause this version did have problems when it was released and quit using it for while there then today thought maybe i could d/l the script and see whats up after the installing, McAfee Alert Came up saying:
Filename: ~GLH007f.TMP
Trojan name: IRC/Flood.ak.plugin
File path: C:\invision\invision
Scan by McAfee & Was Deleted

And yes i do keep my anitvirus updated all times...
And yes i did download the invision from your site not anywhere else where people will serve it, I know they will put virus in there im not that dumb.
And I hope you people maded the invision Please fix it Lots people already knows whats in your script so you may not have any downloads or unless you already done known that ever since it was released.
I thought Invision was best script ever used then any other scripts out there but i guess not anymore. :(
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Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:29 pm


Postby Riamus » Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:29 am

Interesting that I don't have any issues with McAfee and latest updates (newest Pro version of McAfee).

Anyhow, as we have mentioned previously, turn off any "worm" or "script" detection in any antivirus software if you have problems. Those detections are made to try and find unknown virii and usually detect scripts because a script can very easily appear to be a virus if it saves information (settings).

You can also turn off automatically "fix" problems in your antivirus and just tell it not to delete the file.
You can find me at #Invision on irc.irchighway.net or #OldGames on irc.undernet.org if you need me for anything.
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