Weather Script

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Weather Script

Postby Riamus » Sun Feb 06, 2005 9:57 am

Ok, so it's not an Invision script, but it's a cool script that I made. It takes weather scripts to the next level by adding a nice GUI to it (for those that want to use it).

I'd appreciate any questions or comments or ideas. So, please post them here if you have any. I'd also appreciate some for the Invision Playlist script I have listed further down the forum.

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Here's what it looks like:
Image Image
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Postby myrddin » Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:28 am

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Postby Ace » Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:32 am


~~Have a nice Day~~
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Most places

Postby Riamus » Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:44 am

The script works for basically any city in the world that has an airport or other weather data center that updates weather data to the weatherunderground site. So, if you want to see if a specific place is available, you can look on and see if it's listed there.

Note that you can search using:

* Zip Codes (including Canadian zips)
* City, State
* City, Country
* Airport Code (such as LAX)
* occasionally just an airport name (try Hamilton Airport)

Now, some countries have no weather data, or have a city listed multiple times (look at beijing or tokyo on the weatherunderground site as well as the country itself without specifying a city). If either of these are the case, no data can be displayed in the script. For multiple results, it will not pick one and display it. It will just give an error message. And, if no weather data is available for the entire country, the script can't help you out any. It really works best in the US... anywhere in the US should be covered.

Also, a good way to look information up if you aren't getting weather data for a location (such as when a city has 2 results on the site) is to use the airport code. If you know the code, you can use that and get the data as long as there is data available to get.
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Postby Riamus » Thu May 12, 2005 2:43 pm


The script has been updated. This is an important download for anyone using the Server version as it will allow you to format the output and set various options.

Be sure you read the HLP file if you get the Server version! It has important information on setting the options.

[Edit] The script got a small update to it again. I missed something when setting up the new server options. If you use the Server version, get the update. :)
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