Old virus problem returns

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Old virus problem returns

Postby Finnian » Sun May 08, 2005 10:52 am

After 2 years of using Invision, now I'm getting NAV tripping on a file it says is infected with a "Trojan Dropper". The file is Stdio.dll, which, reading through the forum, i see caused some problems back in 2004. What would be the best fix for this?
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Worm detection

Postby Riamus » Mon May 09, 2005 5:52 am

Turn off any worm/script detection in Norton (or replace Norton with a better scanner that has correct virus defintion files).
You can find me at #Invision on irc.irchighway.net or #OldGames on irc.undernet.org if you need me for anything.
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