/dialog: 'fileServer' no such table (line 238, ialias1.mrc)

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/dialog: 'fileServer' no such table (line 238, ialias1.mrc)

Postby Marshallsaaret » Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:04 am

I'll describe my problem:

I tried to open mIRC earlier today and it opened but freezed instantly. So, I restarted my computer since it almost always works and after the restart mIRC worked fine. But I tried to display my file server ad on the channel and it says:

ERROR > You didn't set any of the folllowing required items correctly to start the File Server. «MaxSendsTotal & Max Sends Each & MaxQueuesTotal & Max Queues Each & Active Triggers & No Triggers Enabled»

Ok, then I must check the options for the file server... and I get this error message:

* /dialog: 'fileServer' no such table (line 238, ialias1.mrc)

I reinstalled invision in order to solve this problem but it won't work. I keep on getting this same error message. The same error message comes from all of the options (* /dialog: 'InvisMain'/'FTP_Setup'/ 'Mykicks'/ no such table (line 238, ialias1.mrc)).

What could be wrong and how could it be fixed?

Invision had worked fine before and I haven't have problems like this earlier.

EDIT: Sorry if this has been asked before but I didn't have the time to search all the previous topics in case this has been answered before.
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Postby Riamus » Wed Nov 17, 2004 12:32 pm

Well, for some reason, when Invision froze, it messed up the script settings, so that's why you didn't have your file server set up anymore.

As far as when you reinstalled, did you import settings, or do a clean install to a different folder?
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