Files not showing up in fserv

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Files not showing up in fserv

Postby Hausplant » Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:19 pm

I configured my router (Linksys) and setup the basic port 59 for direct IRC access, port 113 for IDENT, and ports 5001-5004 for DCC x-fers, so I believe it should all be setup. I go in and setup the fserv with the correct path with files and such, correct triggers and everything, but my ad message broadcasts that I am sharing no files and when I actually access my fserv I cannot see any files in the directory that I set it to get them from. When I connect to the fserv it says it's connecting on port 1026 and I even tried opening and closing that port on my router, but it still did nothing so I'm guessing it's a software issue... any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance.
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Postby Riamus » Tue Oct 12, 2004 2:15 am

Did you change mIRC's DCC port range?

As far as files, you usually need to click Build All in Fserv manager to get the number of files to display. I suggest clicking the Fast Indexing Method in Main Settings first (it'll be quicker).

It's also possible your path isn't correct. Try something simple like c:\windows\ and see if it works for you... then you can know if it's the path or not. You probably dont' want to bother clicking Build All when you set the path to c:\windows... that's a lot of files. But it will at least let you connect and see if there are files available.
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Postby Hausplant » Tue Oct 12, 2004 3:47 pm

I actually didn't ever see a place in to actually define the DCC port range in mIRC. I looked where it should have been (DCC->Options under the actual options menu) but I didn't see it. Now I may just be looking in the wrong area entirely, though, but I didn't see the field to enter any DCC ranges. I have the Fast Indexing Method checked and I did use Build All in the actual fserv settings. The path to the files is specifically F:/Server, so I really doubt it's a path/directory issue, unless IRC stops reading drives after a certain letter, heh. I will try another directory just to see if I can get the files to show up. Thanks for the reply, though.
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Postby Riamus » Wed Oct 13, 2004 2:52 am

First, it should be entered as f:\ not f:/.

Second, DCC ports in mIRC after mIRC 6.12 are located in Connect > Options > Advanced. You must set that range to be the same as what you're opening in the router.
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Postby Hausplant » Wed Oct 13, 2004 8:44 am

Ah, wow... that's good to know. I reset the port ranges to match those that are on my router and triple-checked the directory, but I still can't get the files to show. Thanks a bunch for the help though. :D
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Postby Riamus » Wed Oct 13, 2004 1:23 pm

Join the #Invision channel on and ask someone there to help you since they can actually test it that way. I may or may not be there when you join, but if I am, I will help. Otherwise, anyone else there can.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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