PLEASE give me any comments/suggestions you have about the script. I would love to make it better, but need ideas to do so.

Version 2.1.1 is now Available!!
Θ Create, Save, Open, Edit, and Play playlists using Invision's current MP3/WAV/MIDI/WMA player.
Θ Supports unlimited playlists.
Θ Supports unlimited playlist size.
Θ Built-in music viewer.
Θ Song information displayed on built-in viewer.
Θ Repeat/Random: Play your playlist through once in the order you made it, randomly once through, or have it repeat either in your order or randomly.
Θ Easily convert between M3U (WinAmp), WPL (Windows Media Player), and IPL (Invision) playlists. Note that you have to save your WinAmp playlist to a folder OTHER than your default WinAmp folder or it does not save the path and will not play when you convert it.
This script saves playlists as IPL files (Invision Play List) anywhere you choose, though a folder called Playlists will be the default location. The file is a simple text file, but uses the IPL extension to distinguish it from other files.
Possible additions if I make any more versions:
Θ Ability to convert from other playlist formats (let me know what you want).
Θ Ability to convert playlists that have spaces in the filenames.
If you have any comments, or suggestions for this script, please let me know. I am open to all suggestions for new things to add to the script. If you have any interest in me adding the "possible additions" listed above, please let me know. If no one wants these, I won't take the time to add them. And don't forget to tell me what else you'd like to see added.
PLEASE be sure you read the entire Install file or you will probably run into problems.
One last note: You cannot convert playlists that have spaces in the filename or path. Until (if) I change this, please rename your playlists to include no spaces before converting, then add the spaces again if you want.