Clone Scanner/Kicker

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Clone Scanner/Kicker

Postby MasterStorm » Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:32 pm

If U R Planning on realeasing a new version U might want to add a Auto Clone Scanner/Kicker option to Invision. Yes I know it has a scanner already but when it lists them u have to go back to your channel and find the nicks and if U R in a large channel this can be a bit annoying Thanks 8)
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Postby wizardtho » Sat Jun 26, 2004 3:24 pm

Totally agree with the clone kicker suggestion. Also may want to to make a way to set the amount of clones allowed per ip.
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Postby Riamus » Sun Jun 27, 2004 2:06 pm

Just a reminder that most people who suggest this do not think about...

Any time you ping out or lose connection in some way, you will usually reconnect as a "clone" before your connection loss is noticed by the network. An automatic clone kicker will kick those people out (you'll kick legitimate people on a regular basis). That's a quick way to make people mad.

Now, if you wanted to allow 1 clone and kick more than that, then you wouldn't have to worry about it... but for most people requesting it, they are kicking single clones and want something to do it for them.

Also, most people who use clones in a way that's not acceptable (cloning to download or whatever), will use different IP/DNS addresses if they are smart. So really, you aren't getting rid of the ones who are the problem anyhow... just those that accidentally have multiple nicks for whatever reason (or have a good reason for it).

That's not to say it can't possibly be included, but just that it's a dangerous option to have because of all the problems involved with it that people don't think about.
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Postby wizardtho » Sun Jun 27, 2004 2:44 pm

Thats understandable, but thats why you would have the option of how many clones per host to allow in the channel at one time
for instance, the channel i belong to allows one clone per host, any above that is totally unnessesary, (and mostly used to try to get more files, ect)
and would like a way to auto kick/ban the host and clones when this occurs. right now, you have to manually kick/ban them... does this make sence?
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Of course

Postby Riamus » Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:22 am

Yes, it makes sense. I was just reminding people of something that is often forgotten. Especially how most people who clone to get files have multiple false hostmasks so that you can't tell. But, as I said... it is something that may be included at some point.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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