I made a addon to your script

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I made a addon to your script

Postby Lymer » Fri Oct 31, 2003 3:07 pm

I have invision and i can script a little...

So i fixed the 6.12 error by just running a on connect preform of "timer1 off" so it kills the exit in 60 secs....

but for the real addon...

I run a XDCC and wanted the option to serve to ops/voiced users only.... so i wrote it in...

What the script does is adds a check box to the XDCC setup dialog window...

then it makes a list of channels i am running the xdcc server in with the help of your $r.set identifier....

then i made my own identifer that returns either $true or $false if the user is a voice/op on one of the channels, if it returns $true.... it just goes on with the normal xdcc script u created, if it returns $false, then it notices the user that he wont get the pack because he isnt meeting the required status, in the required channels, then ignores the person for 120 (ctcp only) then halts the script, thus not sending him crap.....

I also made it so if u have the voice/ops only checked in the setup window, it automactically adds a note at the end of the MOTD saying that it is serving to ops/voiced users only.

If you are interested in actually using this little script i made in your next version, e-mail me at jlr@mtilogistics.net and i will send you the files i changed, and the identifer i made.... all i ask for in return is credit somwhere in the script, i dont care if it is just a comment in the remote file or somthing.... i did also donate $3.50 or somthing to invision... i like the script, and think its pretty good... but if i find anything else i would want, or someone else wants, i will write it and post it up here again.
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Postby NUMANOID » Sun Nov 30, 2003 2:35 pm

is there any chance of getting hold of this ? as i think it would really help me out in the channel im in
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Postby whiteknight » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:36 pm

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Postby Riamus » Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:49 am

The timer1 thing doesn't need turned off... just use the correct version of mIRC.

As far as XDCC goes, yes, it needs improved and expanded. The next version (official or unofficial) should give XDCC an update.

Note, however, that DCC Manager > Setup already has DCC Watch, which already allows people to only access triggers if they're on the correct channel(s). Fserv was already updated with OP and/or Voice only settings. XDCC will be next.
You can find me at #Invision on irc.irchighway.net or #OldGames on irc.undernet.org if you need me for anything.
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