by Riamus » Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:17 pm
You *should* be able to use the mp3 server and just add .avi or whatever to the list of filetypes. I've never tested that and don't know of anyone else who has, but try it out. I don't see why it wouldn't work the same was as mp3s. I also don't really know if the mp3 server works when playing from Winamp (when you have Invision set to use Winamp in Main Settings) or if it only works when playing from within mIRC. You'll have to test it out. If it works, let me know.
Beyond that, there are some Winamp scripts/DLLs out there that you could use that may also work for what you need. I think most people aren't going to really be sharing movies/videos that they are watching on a regular basis. Music is short and you can let music play non-stop and not mind hearing it. Movies/videos are longer (usually) and aren't usually played non-stop. I think most people wouldn't need such a feature, so adding it to Invision doesn't seem appropriate to me. And, if it works using the mp3 server, then it's already possible.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.