Reverse DCC with Symbols

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Reverse DCC with Symbols

Postby Riamus » Fri Oct 03, 2003 9:22 am

It would be great if the Reverse DCC option could be made to work with nicks that have symbols in them.

It would also be great if it could work with hidden IPs, but I don't think that's possible.
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Postby Riamus » Sun Dec 14, 2003 11:45 am

Well, with the latest Invision and mIRC combo, *most* symbols are now accepted for Reverse DCC connections. The only symbol I have noticed that still will not work in a nick is the | symbol. Anyone with that symbol in their nick cannot connect to a Reverse DCC fserv... they just get the DCC Chat.

It's good to see that most anything else works now. There may be other symbols that do not work yet, but I've not noticed any others. Of course, I've not bothered to test any. Maybe I'll do that and post the results.
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