Good Documentation!! :-)

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Good Documentation!! :-)

Postby Sir_Boagalott » Mon Jun 09, 2003 11:18 pm

Hi all,

Just want to request more documentation for Invision. (I read in another thread that Cryoa is working on one)

I know Invison is a powerfull script, but I am realatively new to mIRC. I'm not a noob with PC's, I've just never used mIRC before.

I have so many questions and/or future requests but I am totaly unsure if Invision can all ready do the things that I seek :-( Ssome things I think it can do, just dont know how {or it probably cant do lol}, other things I dont think it can't do, but it probably can.

Better documentation would lead to less redundant questions ;-)

P.S. Also remeber that most experienced mIRC users take certain knowledge for granted, so please try to make it understandable for less experienced users! Most mIRC help I find is written by experts, for other experts, which the other experts never read because they all ready know that info to begin with. :shock:
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