Insta-Send change suggestion

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Insta-Send change suggestion

Postby Riamus » Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:36 pm

I think having Insta-Send so it doesn't allow a million sends of small files is a good thing like you changed it to do in the new version.

However, I think that it should be set to send up to the total sends rather than up to the user send limit. The reason being... if someone wants a small file after they are receiving a large file (or multiple large files equalling their max sends total), they will have to wait until the large file(s) complete. If no one else is downloading and the fserv has open slots, there really is no reason to not send the small files even though they go past the max per-person send limit. And if the max send limit is reached, the files go into queue. The only thing this will change for servers compared to the way it is now is that if there are open send slots (from the total send limit), the Insta-Sends for a person will download even if they have reached their max-send limit.

You might also eventually set it up so people can put an Insta-Send limit that is used to allow a certain number of insta-sends over the user's normal limit.

Or you might also just set it so that Insta-Sends allow for 1 extra send to a user over their normal max user limit. Then only an Insta-Send can be sent over the normal limit and only 1 at a time over the per-person limit. Perhaps that's the best way to handle it and I think it would be easy enough... just put +1 on the code in that part that handles Insta-Sends.

Anyhow, just my random thoughts tonight. :)
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