Operator Script

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Operator Script

Postby DarkDeviL » Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:40 am

It would be nice with a operator script, so it makes an operator easy to use commands, etc. and more services scripts, not only for chanserv/nickserv, theres also other networks, who uses other services.

StayNet (irc.staynet.eu.org) uses Q, and L, as channel services,
when an account is created in Q, L automatic responses it also is created in L, because of RAW 330, that gives:
nick is authed as authnick in /whois.
Such as the network iam hanging on, StayNet, irc.staynet.eu.org.
I dont have much time todo everything I want, (much people sure know like this.) But I am beginning to make a mIRC addon, like Invision, etc, with Q+L Control Scripts.

I'am not an pro. mIRC scripter, but if the Invision Developers, search for a developer, I would sure be a nice one, Example for Operator/Services Control Scripts.. :)
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