Anti-Camp Settings Upgrade

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Anti-Camp Settings Upgrade

Postby JelloMan » Tue Aug 26, 2003 4:22 pm

I posted in help about this and looked around abit to see if I was missing something, but it looks like the anti-camp policy is pretty much an On or Off type of thing...

Anyway so my suggestion is for the ability to modify the anti-camp settings so it's possible to set a custom time - maybe with a text box or two? (I say two because 1 for the time a person can be idle before a warning message about their idle time shows up, and then another that says they've been idle for too long and that they will be diconnected in however many seconds.)

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Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 1:24 am

Anti Camp

Postby Eazy_E » Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:57 am

That is one damn good idea....wish i thought of it
TMD sucks...its quality u want, that i have to flaunt, our codec is great, we earned tmd's hate, got kicked off rizon, broadened new horizons. #Di[G]iTal on Irc.Ultra-Irc.Net
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