Ok so iv done some modifications in aliases (mp3play.title in alias4.mrc).
I changed:
if $r.glob(Invision,amip) == On {
return $replace($iif($mp3filename != mp3nplay.mp3,$replace($left($mp3filename,-4),_,$chr(32)),%mp3nplay),$chr(63),$chr(32),$chr(34),$chr(44))
if $r.glob(Invision,amip) == On {
return $dde(mPlug,format,"%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]")
effect was that id tag from Winamp is displayed not the name of file.
I also added menu whwre i customize how the name and mp3 parameters will be displayed.
Why not add it to normal relase??
And one more thing i had to turn off mIRC Integration in Winamp preferences.