names not showing

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names not showing

Postby tommypic » Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:54 am

names not showing as who is in room any ideas
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Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2014 7:07 am

Re: names not showing

Postby XMog » Sun Dec 21, 2014 7:53 pm

Is there a space on the right side where they should be? Are you able to select them even if you can't see them?

You can try opening mIRC's Colors dialog (Alt+K) and changing the colors there; the top right section is the nick list section.

Another place to look is in the Invision menu (File View Favorites Tools Invision Window Help), then choose Main Settings, then the Colors tab. Mainly look at the top area, the "Nick Colors" section. Make sure nothing seems out of the ordinary (e.g. if you have a black background, make sure none of the options are set to "01 Black").

If none of these help, please provide your mIRC version and your Invision version, and how you installed them. For example, installed mIRC 7.38 followed by the Invision 3.4.2 Full release. A screenshot showing the issue may be helpful as well.
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